Michael Jackson Autopsy Report: The Cause Of Death Revealed

Following the passing of Michael Jackson, his body underwent an autopsy. Fans are eager to learn about Michael Jackson’s Autopsy Report.

The American musician Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, at his residence on North Carolwood Drive in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles, California, as a result of acute propofol and benzodiazepine poisoning.

Jackson’s remains were transported by helicopter to the Lincoln Heights offices of the Los Angeles County Coroner, where Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran, the chief medical examiner, conducted a three-hour autopsy the following day, June 26.

Jackson had two autopsies, one by the Los Angeles coroner and another privately at the family’s request.

What Was Stated in The Autopsy Report?

The King of Pop’s emaciated body was discovered to be covered in scars and needle marks during an autopsy, and his head was nearly entirely hairless.

As per the London Sun, Jackson’s body had diminished to just 112 pounds, and his stomach was empty except for partially disintegrated tablets.

He was wearing a wig when he was found deceased.

Based on the report, his hips, thighs, and shoulders were covered in needle wounds believed to have been caused by doses of painkillers.

According to an individual close to the singer’s entourage, ‘He was skin and bone, his hair had gone out, and he had been ingesting nothing but medications before he passed away.’

The disfigurements from years of plastic surgery and the injection marks all over his body indicate that he had been in terminal decline for some time.

As per the publication, his heart had received four recent injections which were likely an attempt to infuse adrenaline to jumpstart it.

According to the publication, three of them had punctured and damaged his heart wall, and a fourth had grazed his ribs.

In the final moments of his life on Thursday, authorities administered CPR on him, and he also sustained multiple broken ribs.

Jackson had a scarred and entirely hairless area above his left ear which was believed to be the result of burns he suffered in 1984 while filming a Pepsi commercial.

Other scars on him were extensive and appeared to be the result of plastic surgery. 

The newspaper reported that he also had cuts on his back and mysterious bruises on his knees and shins, which could have been caused by a recent fall. 

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