Robert Baron Missing – The New Video Discovered After 5 Years

After five years, the case of Robert Baron’s disappearance remains unresolved. The family of Robert Baron is still awaiting answers from the investigative committee.

The family of Baron hopes that a video from the night he went missing might uncover the mystery behind his disappearance. Nicole, Baron’s daughter, is confident that she and her family know who assaulted her father.

The initial stages of Baron’s disappearance have faced severe criticism from his family, particularly regarding the police investigation.

On January 26, 2017, the night Robert Baron disappeared, footage of two men walking near South Main Street in Old Forge near Ghigiarelli’s Restaurant was released to the public.

One man, whose face is blurred, can be seen wearing shorts, while another man, concealed in the shadows, appears to be dragging what seems to be luggage in a separate video.

Nicole Baron stated that the luggage went missing from the apartment above Ghigiarelli’s.

Nicole Baron was asked about the connection between two individuals seen carrying suitcases and a suitcase disappearing from her father’s building by Eyewitness News.

The family initially viewed the footage in 2019, and it was first publicized in 2018. Family members are questioning why it did not aid in solving the case.

“It raises suspicion as to whether they were involved or not. Therefore, they are definitely worth examining and investigating,” said Nicole Baron.

Lackawanna County District Attorney Mark Powell mentioned, “The videos are part of our investigation, but I cannot speak specifically about who was interviewed or the details of the inquiry.”

“It’s constant agony for our family; we need explanations,” said Nicole Baron, “We hope that someone will step forward.”

What occurred to Robert Baron?

Prior to his disappearance, Robert Baron was spotted dropping off his son in town on the evening of January 25, 2017.

Investigators found blood in his restaurant, and his car was discovered a mile away from the eatery a few days later. There was also blood inside the car, along with mud on the tires.

Baron’s family asserted that there were no signs of trouble on the day he vanished.

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  1. Guest

    Oh wow, I can’t believe there’s a new video discovered after five years of Robert Baron being missing. This is definitely intriguing and makes me wonder what new information or clues could be revealed. I hope this video sheds some light on his disappearance and helps bring closure to his family and loved ones. It must have been a difficult five years for them not knowing what happened to him. I’m eager to watch the video and see if it provides any leads or insights into the case.
