Sherry Cheong, Business Owner of Sensedebelle

An exclusive conversation with Lillian Cheong, Business Proprietor of Sensedebelle. She is a source of inspiration for numerous women aspiring to achieve great things. According to Lillian, “Sensedebelle is the perfect sanctuary to attain aesthetic results with nurturing hands and compassionate hearts”

Introduce yourself:

I am Self-reliant, ambitious, resolute, and persistently dedicated, which I believe are the characteristics that best describe me. I relish the daily challenge of a high-quality entrepreneurial venture, which excels not only in pursuing success and expanding its market position and team, but also in the added value and enhancement of quality of life for people worldwide.

I thrive on challenges, and derive even greater satisfaction from contributing significant value to our clients’ lives through our company.

The daily challenges, tasks, hard work, and commitment required in my career are all aspects that I enjoy tackling, as they perfectly align with my personality.

However, changing someone’s life for the better and working in a dedicated, cohesive team focused on mutual growth and delivering exceptional quality to clients is what I find most fulfilling.

How did you come up with the idea or concept for the business?

During my younger years, I was a model and a beauty queen who took meticulous care of her body and skin. It was inherent to me. Exploring new beauty and skincare products was my hobby, and I took delight in using lotions, creams, and serums to maintain a radiant, healthy complexion.

Fast forward a few years. As many of you know, changes occur in your body after childbirth. That’s exactly what happened to me. I am the proud mother of two adorable kids, but during pregnancy, I gained over 30kg, something I never anticipated. After the birth of my second child, I began experiencing adult acne, a sign from my body that I needed to prioritize self-care. That’s when I delved into in-depth research on skincare ingredients, beauty products, slimming techniques, and fitness. I aimed to regain my lost confidence and commit to self-care. After two years of research, extensive exercising, and exploration of traditional beauty methods in various countries, I decided to share my experience with every hard-working, busy woman out there.

That’s how Sensedebelle came into being!

Lillian Cheong, Business Proprietor of Sensedebelle

What potential market share do you aim to achieve in the next 3 years?

I prefer to focus on how many lives we can enhance and how many satisfied clients we can reach in the next three years. I believe we can touch hundreds of thousands.

As for the market share, I’ll leave that to the analytics experts.

What was the most impactful book or series you’ve ever read?

Despite the risk of sounding cliché, classics such as “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “The Great Gatsby” are truly difficult to surpass.

What are the best and worst investments you’ve made?

The best investment would be real estate during the economic downturn in 2008, as it has yielded decent rental income and capital appreciation over the years.

I believe there are no bad investments, only shifts in mindset and priorities at different stages of life. Investing the funds earmarked for designer goods and luxury cars in additional properties would have likely generated higher returns.

What consumes a considerable amount of your time?

Managing and expanding Sensedebelle occupies the majority of my time, but I wouldn’t call it excessive as I enjoy it and find it immensely gratifying!

What three pieces of advice would you offer to college students/new startup business owners aiming to become entrepreneurs?

Be courageous, have a clear vision, and don’t give up when faced with setbacks during implementation. If you persevere, you will see it come to fruition.

Who has left the greatest impression with their achievements?

In broader terms, it’s impossible not to admire great figures such as Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, scientists who have altered the course of civilization with their discoveries, Helen of Anjou, the world’s first feminist and a queen who fought for and succeeded in establishing women’s schools as early as the 13th century, and early fashion icons like Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel…

Share something you take pride in – your greatest challenge.

Successfully establishing and expanding Sensedebelle, building a dedicated, skilled team that cherishes the company’s growth, and satisfying thousands of clients by meeting their exact needs.

How can people get in touch with you?

You can contact me via LinkedIn, my email, or the contact form on the Sensedebelle website.

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