Conversation With Fahim Imam Sadeque: Business Development Professional

Fahim Imam-Sadeque is a business growth expert with established experience in the asset management sector.

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science from the City University of London and is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. Fahim’s primary expertise involves asset management, hedge funds, investment management, sales, and consultant & client relationship management.

Tell us about yourself?

My professional journey started as an actuary and trained professional in mathematics and statistics. Subsequently, I transitioned into overseeing bond portfolios, fixed income, corporate bond portfolios, and government bond portfolios. Breaking away from my comfort zone, I leveraged my knowledge of technical products within asset management and acquired sales proficiency. Over the years, I have collaborated with institutions, pension funds, and endowments to secure multi-million-dollar investments.

As a child of Bangladeshi immigrants to the UK, I am deeply committed to ensuring access to high-quality education for first and second-generation immigrants in the UK. I also have a keen interest in ancient history, geopolitics, and science fiction. I take pleasure in traveling and spending time with my family.

What sets you apart from other professionals in your field?

I possess a background in mathematics and actuarial training and transitioned into managing fixed income portfolios. This was followed by learning the art of consultative selling and client collaboration, a mentorship received from Alberto Francioni in 2004. This fusion of skills—technical expertise and sales relationship—endows me with a robust skill set to market fixed income asset management products to institutional investors such as pension funds and foundations.

Oftentimes, salespersons lack a technical foundation, and individuals with a technical background lack sales skills. The amalgamation of both aspects has paved the way for the successful advancement of my career in selling and engaging with clients for these intricate technical products. The ultimate barometer of this success is the satisfaction of my clients with their investments made through me. If they are content, then I have fulfilled my role effectively.

What was the most pivotal part of your professional journey?

In my professional odyssey, the most influential figures have been my parents, who provided guidance and supported my education.

The subsequent pivotal moment was encountering my key mentor, Alberto Francioni, in 2004. As the head of sales at a firm I joined, he imparted to me the art of consultative selling and his sales approach. Before meeting him, I never envisioned myself as capable of sales, considering only my technical skills. Without that encounter, I would not have honed this facet of my professional capabilities.

The melancholic part is that both my parents and Alberto have passed away. I hope that my achievements have made them proud.

What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?

The best purchase I ever made was the first gift I bought for my wife, marking the beginning of our blissful 22-year marriage.

The worst purchase was a car, chosen not out of personal preference but to make a statement. I was stuck with it for a couple of years and never derive any enjoyment from driving it.

This experience taught me the importance of prioritizing personal happiness over others’ opinions.

What consumes too much of your time?

Perusing the newspaper, binge-watching TV series, or delving into graphic novels. I ought to utilize this time more astutely, but I find enjoyment in these activities.

What three pieces of advice would you impart to college students/new startup business owners aspiring to become entrepreneurs or leaders in their field?

Firstly, pursue something you find fulfilling, as there is nothing more disheartening than being in a job that does not bring satisfaction. We spend a substantial portion of our lives working, so it’s essential to engage in something that brings joy.

Secondly, seek guidance from mentors and select them judiciously.

Throughout your journey, there will be individuals who will direct and support you, including those you work for and with. Learn from them, but exercise discernment in your choices, as an unsuitable mentor may lead you astray.

Finally, persevere, as the path you choose will likely present challenges and setbacks. Everyone encounters setbacks in their professional and personal lives, and persevering is crucial as it leads to the day when all the hard work and setbacks align with your goals.

Who has left the most indelible impression on you with their accomplishments?

My mentor, Alberto Francioni, holds the distinction of being the most remarkable person I have worked with or for.

He possessed a natural flair for sales and assembled a team around him. Although I differed from him, he identified in me a salesperson to target a specific client type that he couldn’t address personally. He exhibited exceptional acumen in identifying salespeople to cater to various client bases and achieved remarkable success in his field.

What motivates you to persevere during challenging times?

I recollect the lessons on hard work instilled by my parents and the challenges they overcame. They underwent significant personal and professional struggles at times and emerged stronger together.

These memories propel me forward during difficult professional times. Furthermore, through perseverance, the achievement of our goals, despite the challenges, makes the journey worthwhile. It’s a cliché, yet undeniably true.

How can people get in touch with you?

Contact me here!

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    The reader may find this text intriguing and informative, as it introduces Fahim Imam Sadeque as a business development professional. They may appreciate the opportunity to gain insights from someone with experience in this field. The reader might be curious to know more about Fahim’s background, expertise, and the specific topics that were discussed in the conversation. Overall, the text seems to pique the reader’s interest in learning more about Fahim’s perspectives and experiences in business development.