Disposable Email: Useful for the Customer and Bad for the Business

Given the large number of businesses and corporations seeking our contact details, it is crucial to be cautious about who we entrust with our information.

Email remains the most prevalent and effective marketing technique, so it is not surprising that users are seeking new methods to control the influx of messages into their primary accounts. Disposable email addresses are increasingly popular.

What Constitutes a Disposable Email?

A temporary email address is a provisional account created to minimize the deluge of unwanted marketing emails cluttering users’ inboxes. These accounts can be manually deleted or automatically expire after a specific period when the user no longer needs to retain the alias.

Disposable Email: Beneficial for the Consumer and Detrimental for the Company

Example of Single-Use Email Address

There exist three primary types of disposable email addresses, all serving the same purpose: preventing users from receiving unwanted solicitations.

The reasons for this are numerous. Some are legitimate concerns, and others are simply a result of illicit or deceptive activities. Nevertheless, all three are of limited value to email marketers as they do not yield quality data and only create obstacles that need to be overcome.


An alias typically modifies the user’s primary address. This type of address will land in the user’s inbox but can be directed into a folder that does not interfere with their primary correspondence.

By creating aliases, it becomes easy to trace these additional addresses to see where and how the company that received them has utilized them. For instance, using [email protected], the user can monitor the response they will receive from signing up for a specific promotion or discard it outright as unwanted.

Forwarding Accounts

A forwarding email address is established on a distinct domain, but its messages are forwarded to the user’s primary inbox.

Disposable Email: Beneficial for the Consumer and Detrimental for the Company

Example of Forwarding Email Setup on Google Mail

Users have access to this temporary email address for as long as they require. They can discard them at any time, resulting in your correspondence being returned as undeliverable.

They can also create rules to filter the address’s messages. However, this option provides little data to the marketer. In essence, the open and click-through statistics will be inaccurate because their software cannot analyze inbox behavior.

Non-Forwarding Disposable Accounts

Non-forwarding disposable email addresses are intended for one-time use without the need for further communication. This type of disposable address will generate a bounce notification every time.

Regardless of the form it takes, the result is identical—your business does not receive a genuine email address, skewing your analytics and tarnishing your company’s reputation.

These services are free to use, making them an effortless solution to the burgeoning spam problem and a source of frustration for email marketers everywhere. From the consumer’s perspective, it’s evident why a disposable email address holds appeal. Most services require an email address upon sign-up, and with each registration, the likelihood of encountering spam increases.

Suppose a company with whom you willingly registered is compromised, and your email is added to a spam list. Suddenly, you are inundated with unsolicited emails! Assuming you utilize your primary email address for personal and business purposes, tackling unwanted messages consumes your valuable time. Disposable email addresses offer a convenient way to attain peace of mind.

However, from a business standpoint.

How does single-use email impact your enterprise?

As beneficial as disposable emails are for consumers, they are adverse for businesses, particularly software (SaaS) companies. They conflict with firms aiming to establish robust, engaged email databases. Here are a few ways single-use email affects your business.

Addresses can impact your revenue.

It signifies a breach of trust between you and your customer’s Data breaches and other mismanagement incidents have become commonplace. Rather than trusting companies implicitly, consumers have become more circumspect about whom they willingly furnish with their data. If your mailing list is inundated with single-use email addresses, it could diminish customers’ trust in your brand.

Your complimentary services are being abused.

Incentives to subscribe to an email list or download an app are susceptible to exploitation. Some individuals may seek to avail themselves of the free trial or discount multiple times, which can be swiftly and efficiently accomplished using single-use email addresses. Ultimately, this hinders the conversion of trial users into paying customers, leading to diminished revenue.

It artificially inflates your churn rate.

Churn, or the percentage of new subscribers who unsubscribe from your email list within a short timeframe, is inevitable. Since the churn rate is calculated simply by dividing your total lost customers by your total customers during that period, the results will be skewed. This equation does not account for individuals using temporary email addresses.

They distort your analytics.

If you have thousands of email subscribers but only a handful who open and read your emails, you are failing to engage a sizable potential customer base. Furthermore, in the case of individuals using single-use email addresses, you are failing to reach anyone at all!

You could be blacklisted.

Disregarding signups from established single-use email domains seems like a simple step, but it is not that straightforward. Numerous domains already exist, and more are added each day. Monitoring them is nearly impossible.

Perhaps the simplest solution is to employ a third-party API that efficiently detects counterfeit email addresses, leading us to the following section.

However, despite the negative impact on businesses, single-use email is advantageous for consumers. Here are a few reasons why customers may require a temporary email address.

Why Single-Use Email Address is Useful for Consumers?

The concept of temporary email addresses may conjure images of hackers and the seedy underworld of the internet, turning away most of us. Nonetheless, there are several valid reasons one might need a single-use email address. Here are some:

  • You wish to sign up for a store loyalty card but prefer not to receive promotional emails from the store. Use a single-use email address instead, and you will never see those emails—plus, if the store is hacked, your actual email address remains safeguarded.
  • You have just programmed a fantastic web app and want to thoroughly test it before releasing it to the public. Obtain 100 single-use email addresses, use them for dummy accounts, and test to your heart’s content.
  • You want to create another account with a web app—perhaps you need an additional IFTTT account to automate a second Twitter account for your website. Both necessitate an email distinct from your primary one, so instead of managing yet another email inbox, utilize a single-use email address.
  • You want to anonymously communicate with the editor of a newspaper. With postal mail, you could accomplish this by mailing a letter devoid of a return address from a post office dropbox, but utilizing a single-use email address is one of the various contemporary ways to attain this online.

Top Single-Use Email Services

Several disposable email account options are at your disposal, and determining which is best for you can be challenging. Hence, we will review the advantages and disadvantages of these primary disposable accounts.

1. Temp Mail


  • Comes with a Google Chrome plugin
  • Enables full ownership of the address with a premium account


  • Contains advertisements

2. Guerrilla Mail


  • Enables creation of a permanent address
  • Allows sending messages from the temporary address


Deletes emails within an hour, so if you cannot check immediately, the message is lost forever

3. ThrowAwayMail


  • Lasts for 48 hours
  • Email account is automatically generated upon visiting ThrowAwayMail’s site


  • Can only receive emails

4. 10minutemail


  • No need for an account to use its services
  • Accepts incoming mail from all servers


  • Email account is operational for only 10 minutes unless you refresh the page to extend the duration by an additional ten minutes

5. EmailOnDeck


  • Offers a free disposable email address
  • Rapid setup


  • Lasts for only a day
  • Restricted to sending emails to other EmailOnDeck addresses only

Our discussion has covered the use of disposable email from both perspectives—business and consumer—and the detrimental impact on businesses and the benefits for consumers. We hope this article aids in comprehension of both angles.

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  1. Guest

    The reader may agree with the statement that disposable email addresses can be useful for customers. They might appreciate the convenience and privacy that disposable email addresses offer when signing up for online services or making purchases. Disposable email addresses can help customers avoid spam emails, protect their personal information, and easily manage their online accounts.

    However, the reader may have a different opinion when it comes to the impact on businesses. They might argue that disposable email addresses can be detrimental to businesses. By using disposable email addresses, customers can easily create multiple accounts or take advantage of free trials without providing their real contact information. This could lead to an increase in fake or inactive accounts, making it difficult for businesses to accurately assess their customer base and target their marketing efforts effectively. Additionally, disposable email addresses can make it challenging for businesses to establish long-term customer relationships or provide personalized services.

    Overall, while disposable email addresses may offer benefits to customers, the reader might argue that they can have negative implications for businesses.