Ernest Miller Dahmer – How Did The Brutal Killing Take Place?

Ernest Miller, at the age of 22, perished after Jeffrey Dahmer sliced his throat. He became the 14th out of 17 victims of Jeffrey Dahmer.

Inside Dahmer’s residence, the law enforcement discovered his skeleton. Dahmer later admitted to consuming his biceps.

The chronicle of Jeffrey Dahmer, a new original series on Netflix, aimed to raise awareness about Dahmer’s victims and their families. They were tragically disregarded amidst the outcry over the atrocious crimes he committed.

How Did Jeffrey Encounter Ernest Miller?

Ernest Miller, also known as Ronald Marquez Miller, aged 22, Dahmer encountered Miller, a dancing student, in front of a bookstore.

Dahmer stated that he was particularly attracted to Miller’s physical attributes.

In less than three months after the demise of Smith, Dahmer met 22-year-old Chicagoan Ernest Miller in front of a bookstore on North 27th Street.

Miller consented to accompany Dahmer to his apartment and allowed him to listen to his instincts and heart in exchange for $50. Dahmer attempted to engage in oral intimacy with Miller, and Miller replied, ‘That will require more payment.’

Dahmer then offered Miller a drink laced with two sleeping pills.

What Did Dahmer Do With Ernest?

Dahmer rendered him two sleeping tablets. 

Thus, he used the same knife that he had used to dissect his victims’ bodies to cut Miller’s carotid artery, resulting in his demise. Within minutes, Miller bled to death.

Prior to dismembering the unclothed body in his bathtub, Dahmer first arranged Ernest’s body for a series of provocative Polaroid photographs.

While disassembling the remainder of the body, Dahmer conversed with and kissed the detached head repeatedly.

Miller’s heart, biceps, and parts of leg tissue were wrapped in plastic and stored in the refrigerator for future consumption by Dahmer.

He intended to retain the flesh but rinsed it off the skeleton. He boiled the remaining flesh and organs with Soilex, transforming it into a gel-like consistency.

Dahmer preserved the skeleton by immersing the bones in a mild bleach solution for 24 hours and subsequently allowing them to air dry for a week on a fabric.

The detached head was initially positioned in the refrigerator; subsequently, the flesh was removed, painted, and glazed.

Dahmer disclosed, ‘Miller was subjected to two boilings after I dislodged the joints in his arm, leg, and articulations. I believe I utilized four containers of Soilex for each, immersing the upper body first and boiling it for about two hours before adding the lower body and boiling it for an additional two hours. All the flesh was removed by the Soilex, which also transformed it into a gel-like substance that could then be rinsed off. I then laid out the clean bones on either newspaper or fabric and allowed them to dry for approximately a week in the bedroom after submerging them in a mild bleach solution for a day.’

What Did Ernest’s Relative Say About Jeffrey?

As one of up to 17 victims of serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer, Stanely Miller identified himself as Ernest Miller’s uncle. 

He spoke of the ongoing anguish caused by the bloodiest series of homicides in Milwaukee history to the family.

Among the 11 victims’ bones discovered in Dahmer’s residence were his nephew’s skull and other body parts.

Final Ruling

From 1978 to 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer confessed to the killing of 17 young men.

Beyond Wisconsin, Dahmer’s rampage extended to Chicago, where he encountered two other men, and Ohio, where he murdered at least one of his victims before luring them to Wisconsin.

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