Good Samaritan Hospital NICU Nurse Fired Over Mishandling An Infant

The NICU nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital was dismissed after being captured on video reportedly mishandling a newborn. The nurse was witnessed forcibly placing a newborn onto a bassinet.

The baby’s father, Fidel Sinclair, filmed his two-day-old son, Nikko, in the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and managed to capture the incident on video.

The video depicts the nurse aggressively turning Nikko from his back to his stomach.

Sinclair expressed his gratitude for being present during the incident as it was recorded due to the partially drawn curtains.

“Without divine intervention, none of that would have been exposed. This mistreatment could have continued throughout the night, not only for my son but for the other infants as well,” Sinclair stated.

Nikko’s mother, Consuelo Saravia, was devastated when she viewed the video.

She directly confronted the nurse, stating, “I do not want you to handle my child! You just placed him aggressively,” to which the nurse replied, “I apologize if you believe I mishandled him in any way.”

Catholic Health, the hospital’s operator, issued a statement, stating that immediate actions were taken in response to the video, including an investigation and the termination of the nurse involved.

The organization also reported the individual to the Department of Health for further scrutiny.

The New York Department of Health released a statement expressing concern over the distressing allegations and declared that it is treating the matter seriously. Suffolk County Police have initiated an inquiry into the troubling treatment of a newborn.

The spokesperson authorized immediate family members to visit their loved ones in the neonatal ICU. Although the exact number of infants and nurses present in the NICU at any given moment remains unclear, Sinclair reported observing numerous individuals.

According to the parents, there were no security cameras in the room. Sinclair considered himself fortunate to have witnessed the nurse’s misconduct, as he could overlook his son through the curtain and record the inappropriate behavior.

The spokesperson informed that using curtains in the ICU is “standard protocol.”

According to Catholic Health, using curtains in the NICU is standard practice to ensure privacy for patients and their families during bedside services.

Immediate family members are allowed to spend time with their loved ones in the neonatal ICU.

The incident has caused anguish for Nikko’s parents, who express their gratitude for being there to protect their child. “I was unable to stop crying. I could not sleep,” Saravia said. Nikko is reportedly doing well following the alleged mistreatment.

The hospital organization reported that immediate actions were taken upon learning about the incident. The individual involved was dismissed, and an investigation was conducted. They were also reported to the Department of Health for further scrutiny.

The hospital remains devoted to ensuring the safety of its patients.

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