Google Glass: Things You Need To know

Google Glass is a wearable, Android device that is controlled by voice and motion. It resembles a pair of eyeglasses and presents information directly in the user’s field of vision.

What Occurred with Google Glass:

On April 15, 2013, Google commenced the sale of a prototype of Google Glass to eligible “Glass Explorers” in the US for a limited time for $1,500, before it became available to the public on May 15, 2014. It featured a significant 5-megapixel still/720p video camera which received substantial criticism and raised concerns that its functionality might violate existing privacy laws.

After facing numerous challenges for several years, the company announced the discontinuation of its initial version of the augmented reality smart glasses: the Glass Explorer Edition. However, this is not a final farewell.

Initially, Google struggled to rebrand the glasses as a device for professionals such as surgeons or factory workers. However, doubts persisted and Google ceased all work on the Glass project in 2015.

In 2017, work resumed with Glass Enterprise Edition. This relaunch of the project focused all efforts on creating a product that would support workplaces like factories and warehouses. In 2019, a new iteration of Google Glass was revealed, the Glass Enterprise Edition 2.

The primary aim of the Enterprise line is to enhance productivity in the workplace and, with this new purpose on the horizon, they are succeeding. The product has substantial adoption in businesses interested in incorporating it.

It is somewhat early to label this model as a breakthrough among industries, particularly because the company is reluctant to share the number of units sold, but at the very least, it has demonstrated that it has been tremendously beneficial for employees to work better, smarter, and faster in areas such as logistics, manufacturing or medicine, among others. It allows professionals to access information with hands-free operation while working. Among the recognized customers using these tools are aircraft company Boeing, and the medical startup named Augmedix.

Currently, the glasses are being acquired to save time for doctors, who can see more patients while taking phone calls or analyzing lab results.

Google Glass Cost

The Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is sold for $999, although, like its predecessor, it is not available for direct purchase by consumers. It features a new processor, an improved camera, a USB-C port for faster charging, and a variety of other upgrades.

Is it Possible to Purchase Google Glass?

Google Glass makes a comeback, but you still cannot buy a pair. Google continues to provide Glass exclusively to businesses, a policy the company adopted after the original Glass headset encountered resistance over privacy concerns and was subsequently discontinued for the public back in 2015.

The latest version of Google Glass, Glass Enterprise Edition 2, is specifically designed for professional purposes, particularly in environments such as factories, warehouses, and hospitals. In these settings, the glasses provide the benefit of saving time and money and enhancing safety.

Workers’ safety is enhanced by the hands-free feature and the ability to remain connected to the network at all times.

Another advantage of the device comes from its potential use by children with autism. Several studies are exploring how Google Glass might be utilized to improve social interactions for children with autism.

Why Did Google Glass Experience Setbacks?

Regrettably, the failure of the Glass can be attributed to the inventors’ failure to identify and validate the users and the problems it was solving for them. Instead, they assumed the product would sell itself even without genuine solutions or significance, relying on its hype to appeal to everyone.

  • There was a lack of consensus among the inventors regarding the primary use cases of Google Glass. One faction believed it could be worn all day as a popular device, while another believed it should be worn for specific utilitarian functions. In any case, both factions presumed that the publicity around Glass would compel users to embrace the product and use it accordingly.
  • The designers failed to fully articulate the advancements they were offering to their target users. Once Google Glass was launched, it did not deliver meaningful benefits to its initial users, a select group that paid to be early adopters. Google Glass did not offer sufficient innovation for users compared to older technologies, rendering the product a pointless addition to their daily lives.
  • The failure of Google Glass can be attributed to the lack of clarity on the purpose of the product. The designers did not clearly define or validate: the users’ problems, the solutions Google Glass would provide for its users, or how customers would use the glasses. This revolutionary product never succeeded because users could not comprehend why they needed it in their lives.

These are the crucial aspects of google glass that you should be aware of. We trust you found this article educational. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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