How Much Does It Cost To Travel To Europe: Important Facts To Know Before Planning Your Dream Vacation

Have you ever pondered about the expenses of traveling to Europe?

Whether you journey to Europe with children or alone, it’s crucial to be aware of the prime time to travel to Europe and the estimated costs.



This is a quite common scenario where individuals plan a trip without estimating the expenses involved.

Prior knowledge of the travel costs is essential. When it comes to Europe, the initial perception might be that it’s a pricey venture, but that’s not entirely accurate.

The cost of traveling to Europe depends entirely on your budget and the way you plan your trip. 

Lets explore some crucial factors and determine the cost of traveling to Europe and how to tackle this matter. 

How Expensive is it to Journey to Europe: Crucial Details to Consider Before Organizing Your Ideal Getaway

Accommodation expenditure in Europe  

Traditionally, hotels in Europe are the most economical option. However, you can find cheaper accommodations when planning a trip to Europe. 

You might opt for a private room or a luxury suite, which will incur additional costs. It all depends on your requirements. 

Here are the average hotel costs for couples and families:

  • London: $25-$55
  • Paris: $32-$60
  • Dublin: $20-$35
  • Amsterdam: $22-$55
  • Munich: $22-$45
  • Berlin: $15-$35
  • Krakow: $10-$25
  • Budapest: $10-$25
  • Barcelona: $18-$35

Note: Prices may vary based on the circumstances and the season of the specific country in Europe. 

Rental apartment expenses in Europe 

Rental apartment costs in Europe can be quite affordable in numerous cities. Platforms like “Airbnb” offer various options for rental condos.

Rental condos are a cheaper alternative compared to budget hotels. They are cleaner, equipped with kitchens, and provide an authentic experience.

This makes booking an apartment, rather than a hotel, a cost-effective choice. Particularly for families or larger groups. 

What is the Cost of Food in Europe?

For budgeting, your daily food expenses range from $20-$55 (may vary).

At the lower end of this range, you can rely on the hotel’s complimentary breakfast and locally available meals, which are more economical than dining at expensive restaurants. 

If you are on a tight budget, it’s possible to minimize your food costs to $10/day.

In the mid to high range, you can enjoy meals at affordable local eateries, costing around $8-$12.

You can also opt for a few snacks throughout the day, ensuring affordable sustenance. 

When exploring the city, locating a supermarket may be challenging. However, food and beverages can significantly impact your budget.

Cost of Visiting Tourist Attractions in Europe 

For exploring attractions, you should allocate a budget of approximately $15-$35/day for touring costs in Europe.

You travel to Europe to immerse yourself in the culture and marvel at the sights. While most attractions entail additional charges, their cumulative costs can be significant. Many establishments offer student/youth discounts, so be sure to inquire about those.

Here are the costs for some renowned attractions in Europe to give you an idea of their potential expenses:

  • Louvre Museum (Paris): $18
  • Centre Pompidou Museum (Paris): $18
  • Tower of London: $37
  • Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam): $20
  • Walking Tours: Free (guides work on tips) or $15 for paid tours

Additionally, many galleries and venues offer discounted or free passes to students or individuals below 26 years of age.

Exploring free attractions in every city is a viable option. Many cities provide free entry to museums, art galleries, and parks. Additionally, walking around neighborhoods is an excellent and budget-friendly way to experience a new city. 

Furthermore, consider participating in the free walking tours that are available across Europe, where the only cost is a gratuity. 

Finally, check if museum passes can help you save money. Some cities offer free entry to numerous attractions for a set period, such as 24, 48, or 96 hours. It’s essential to calculate if the pass’s cost is lower than the cumulative expenses of the attractions you’re interested in. 

When purchasing tickets for specific attractions online, be on the lookout for offers or complimentary inclusions, as they are often available to first-time visitors to Europe. 

Public Transportation Costs in Europe  

European public transportation is well-developed, encompassing metros, buses, and trams in nearly every major and medium-sized city.

Moreover, it’s generally affordable. Most cities are pedestrian-friendly, and destinations are within walking distance. Public transport offers a convenient and economical mode of travel. 

Many cities offer ticket options and travel passes, such as single tickets, 1/3/5/multi-day passes, and monthly passes. It’s crucial to research to determine the most cost-effective and convenient option for you. 

Here are some examples of transportation costs in Europe:

  • London Tube (w/Oyster Card): $4/off-peak single fare or $14/full day
  •  Paris Métrô: $16 for ten one-way tickets
  •  Amsterdam (tram): $23 for 72 hours of unlimited travel
  •  Budapest (bus and metro): $17 for 72 hours of total travel
  •  Prague: $1.60 for a single tram ticket
  •  Barcelona (metro): $1.40 for a single metro ticket

Airfare to Europe

The first and most crucial step is to reserve your flight to Europe. Flexibility is vital in finding affordable flights. 

In addition, there are various online services and applications to assist in saving time and money. 

Booking a multi-destination ticket, where you fly into one city and depart from another, is often less expensive than booking separate one-way tickets or for a single location. 

If you live near your intended European destination, consider using trains for a cost-effective alternative to airfare, despite it being time-consuming to an extent. 

If you’re a Canadian traveler, consider applying for travel credit cards to offset expenses by accruing points. For instance, the American Express Platinum Card offers a sign-up bonus of up to 85,000 American Express Membership Rewards points, with a base value of $850.

Furthermore, the Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite card, with no foreign transaction fees, provides affordable access to air travel.

In conclusion, thorough budget planning is vital before embarking on your trip. This is especially crucial when traveling with family and children, compared to solo travel, where adjustments can be made or solo earnings can be sufficient. Adequate research will ensure a more enjoyable and memorable journey with loved ones. The approaching winter holidays make this information particularly pertinent. Take a moment to relax, make note of these details, and plan your dream vacation today.

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  1. Guest

    The reader may find this text very helpful and informative, especially if they are considering traveling to Europe. It seems to provide important facts and tips that can assist in planning a dream vacation. The reader might appreciate the emphasis on knowing the costs associated with traveling to Europe, as budgeting is a crucial aspect of trip planning. Overall, this text appears to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore Europe and make informed decisions about their travel expenses.