Jaclyn Michelle Killed By Train Accident At Rooty Hill

Lately, numerous mishaps have occurred. Many families have lost their loved ones in train mishaps.

It is a heartbreaking situation for them, but some of them manage to regain stability to support their family. Conversely, there are families who lose the head of the family and face numerous challenges ahead.

A similar incident unfolded when news of the train accident involving Jaclyn Michelle, a mother of six, broke on social media and local news outlets. The accident took place as she was walking near Rooty Hill, in Sydney’s west, at around 7.45 pm last Monday.

The circumstances surrounding the incident are unclear, but she was accidentally struck by a train. She was promptly taken to the hospital and later pronounced deceased.

The incident was particularly tragic for the children as the family was already missing the father figure. Now, with their mother gone, the six children are experiencing immense hardship.

The following are the names of Jaclyn Michelle’s children:

  • Hemmi (15)
  • Jordan (13)
  • Isabella (11)
  • Sienna (7)
  • Isack (6)
  • McKenzie (2)

Her demise was extremely disheartening, and the children are now living separately. Some children reside with Michelle’s sister ‘Samantha,’ while others stay with their mother.

This arrangement was necessary as the six children couldn’t stay in one home due to limited space.

Today, the family is struggling to find ways to manage their monthly expenses. They have been grappling with numerous financial challenges since Michelle’s passing.

Jaclyn’s funeral is scheduled for 17 October 2022, and we would like to extend our support to the family during this trying period.

Jackie O & Kyle have announced that they will be contributing $10,000 in the hope that it will aid the family during this challenging time.

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