Jeffrey Spaide Murder Case: What Is the Story Behind the Scenes?

The shooter Jeffrey Spaide became widely known after gunning down the couple in the middle of the street over snow shoveling.

In 2021, the two neighbors were shot in the middle of the Hudson section of Plains Township in Pennsylvania. 

What really unfolded in the case? Is Jeffrey Spaide the actual perpetrator in the killing of two neighbors? Who filmed Jeffrey Spaide, which became a sensation? Let’s discover.

What Occurred In the Case?

In Pennsylvania, an individual convicted as Jeffrey Spaide, drew his firearm and opened fire on two individuals, James Goy and Lisa Goy, in the middle of the street.

A young boy, Gray Mitchell, witnessed the entire scene and disclosed the narrative to the media.

Recollecting the entire situation, Mitchell stated upon observing the scene; he noticed Lisa lying on the road and remarked, ‘Oh, she must have fallen or slipped on the ice or something since the road was all icy and snowy.”

He mentioned that when the couple was shot, my friend hurried to assist the couple, who were shot multiple times by Jeffrey Spaide.

Nevertheless, the video clearly captured Spaide returning to his garage to retrieve a rifle at that moment.

As Spaide went to his garage, Mitchell mentioned that he dashed to the side of the car and observed that he was covered in blood and gasping for air.

Subsequently, one of the neighbors phoned 911 and recounted the entire sequence of events beforehand. 

Following the 911 call, we heard another gunshot while we were in the basement, as per Mitchell.

When the Plains Township Police responded to the situation, a gunman took his own life inside his home. 

Nevertheless, subsequent to the incidents, the video became viral across social media platforms and other websites.

Why Was The Viral Video Of The Gunman Removed From Social Media Platforms?

For the first time, the assisting teenager aiding his neighbor after being shot by a gunman is audible.

Mitchell hurried to aid the couple who were just shot. He mentioned that whatever transpired became viral and was captured on camera.

Despite going viral on social media, several companies advocated for its removal out of respect and consideration for the neighbors who were shot.

Thus, to delve into the details of the incident, it was verbally requested by the eyewitness who captured the entire scene.

During the interview, 16-year-old Gary Mitchel expressed, “We heard shots go off, but we didn’t necessarily know what it was.” 

How Did The Video Get Shared?

Mitchel recounted that we captured the entire scene, and the individual who was with me messaged me that the video had gone viral, and remarked: “yo, the video was shared.”

The footage was recorded from the neighbor’s residence, and Mitchel exclaimed to the individual, “you cannot be serious.” 

The individual affirmed and forwarded him a link to view the video; he subsequently watched it and pondered over how someone could dare to disseminate the video on social media.

Subsequently, Michell perused social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Wordstarhiphop, where the video was extensively circulating.

However, only two platforms, Facebook and YouTube, responded to our request for comment.

What Were The Responses Of Social Media Platforms After Viewing The Disturbing Content?

The footage was eradicated from Youtube, and a statement was released to Eyewitness News. Alex Joseph, a Youtube spokesperson, stated, 

There is no place on YouTube for this kind of violent content. We’ve spent the last several years investing in tools and policies to help us quickly remove content that violates our policies, such as machine learning technology that automatically detects over 90% of the videos we remove from YouTube before a human ever reports it to us.” 

Regarding the viral video, Facebook similarly expressed that we do not desire this content on Facebook and remove it as soon as we become aware of it. We have eliminated the content infringing upon surveillance camera footage and employ technology to detect and remove duplicates and impede their dissemination.

Mitchell detailed to the interviewer that he initially saw Jeffery with a firearm in his hand as he exited his residence, and subsequently, I did not see him there for the second time. 

Mitchell commented on the video that became viral, remarking that it is preferable to discuss the content and the scenario rather than repeatedly viewing the content in the video. 

What Did the Doctor Say?

On Sunday, Eyewitness News interviewed Dr. Matthew Berger concerning the video.

Matthew, a psychiatrist, was quizzed about how individuals should cope and react after viewing a video containing violent and distressing content and how people should de-escalate the situation after witnessing abusive and contested content.

 The doctor emphasized that delving into escalating situations over genuinely minor or inconsequential matters is fruitless, and adults should calm down and disengage from such situations.

He further added that it has been observed that individuals wish to discuss it in a secure and safe setting but subsequently aim to detach from it. He underlined that repeatedly watching such videos hinder the conventional coping mechanism of suppression.

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