John Motson Obituary – Cause Of Death And Funeral Service

The athletic community is grieving over the loss of the esteemed soccer commentator John Motson, who passed away at 77 years old. 

Fondly known as “Motty,” he held the position of BBC television’s primary football commentator for nearly half a century, providing commentary for Match of the Day from 1971 until his retirement in 2018. 

Although the particulars of his memoriam are not yet disclosed, it has been conveyed that he succumbed to colon cancer, a condition he was diagnosed with in 2014, causing him to miss the World Cup during that period.

Recalling the early stages of his career, Motson reminisced about feeling anxious before his first commentary assignment. 

During a game between Liverpool and Chelsea, he experienced uncertainty about what to express as the match commenced. 

As his career progressed, however, he established himself as an influential commentator, admired for his animated style and profound understanding of the sport. He was also notable for his meticulous preparation, which involved compiling extensive statistics on an A4 sheet of card using felt-tip pen for each match. 

While he attributed this obsession with facts and figures to his initial apprehensions about error, he gradually gained confidence and relied less on background information in his commentaries.

As of the current writing, the funeral arrangements for John Motson have not been disclosed. Nevertheless, tributes have been pouring in from the footballing community, with many expressing their sorrow at the departure of such an esteemed and cherished personality. 

Throughout his extensive and distinguished career, Motson became inseparable from the sport, ingratiating himself into the hearts of millions of soccer enthusiasts worldwide. 

His distinctive voice and encyclopedic knowledge of the game elevated him to an iconic status, and his impact on the realm of football commentary will reverberate for years to come.

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  1. Guest

    I’m sorry to hear about John Motson’s passing. As a reader, I found the obituary to be a concise and informative piece. It provided a brief overview of his career as a legendary sports commentator, which immediately caught my attention. However, I would have appreciated more details about his personal life and contributions to the field of sports commentary. Additionally, the obituary mentioned the cause of death, which is important information, but it would have been helpful to know more about his funeral service arrangements. Overall, it was a well-written tribute, but I would have liked to see a more comprehensive reflection on his life and legacy.