Micah Parsons Penn State Scandal – A Tweet Against Brittney Griner

Recently, Micah Parsons, a newcomer defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys, caused a stir with a tweet that seemed to overshadow the news of Brittney Griner’s release from a Russian jail.

The tweet focused on Paul Whelan’s four-year imprisonment in Russia. This event was particularly unexpected considering that Parsons has portrayed himself as an upstanding athlete ever since joining the Cowboys in the 2021 NFL Draft.

Thankfully, the incident was swiftly addressed, and it is evident that Parsons esteems those who have faced similar challenges to his own.

The 23-year-old athlete had a remarkable rookie season, earning first-team All-Pro and Pro Bowl honors for the first time in his career. He also clinched the 2021 NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year award.

It’s essential to remember that in 2020, he made headlines for his involvement in a harassment controversy at Penn State college football, despite his ongoing success on the football field.

Despite addressing the accusations and taking accountability for his mistakes, Micah continues to be a topic of heated debate.

Micah Parsons Issues an Apology for His Social Media Posts

On the same day, the family of Paul Whelan released a statement applauding the Biden administration’s decision to facilitate a prisoner exchange that ultimately resulted in the release of WNBA star Brittney Griner.

They expressed dismay that Whelan remains imprisoned in Russia, where he has been held since 2018 on charges that his family and the U.S. government consider unfounded. Nonetheless, they appreciated the new administration for seizing an opportunity they deemed feasible rather than waiting in vain for a better resolution. The Whelans urged further efforts to secure their son’s release in light of this long-standing injustice.

Subsequently, the hashtags “MAGAParsons” and “PassRushLimbaugh” gained popularity on the social media platform.

Shortly after his initial tweet gained attention, Parsons faced substantial criticism on Twitter. Less than an hour later, Micah retracted his statements and expressed regret for his post.

He further stated, “I am genuinely relieved that Brittney Griner is back home, where she belongs. My previous tweet was not intended as an attack on Brittney Griner. I have family members who have served, and it baffles me that the President didn’t bring him home as well. I don’t support Trump in the slightest, but I’m also not a fan of Biden.”

The NFL athlete apologized for his actions in another series of tweets, acknowledging that he should have been better informed on the subject and not acted impulsively out of concern for his family and others who have served.

“I hope that Mr. Whelan returns home, but I am incredibly happy for Brittney and her family. I have no qualms admitting when I’ve made a mistake.”

He continued, “Also, if the information I received about the efforts to bring Retired Marine Paul Whelan home is factual, then the best possible outcome was achieved.”

Unsurprisingly, some Twitter users commended Parsons for conducting further research on the matter, while others criticized him for giving in.

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