Michelle Carston Obituary, Funeral & Cause of Death

Michelle Carston’s life has come to an end. We are deeply saddened by the news of Michelle Carston’s passing on August 19, 2021, which was brought to our attention through various online posts.

We extend our condolences and sympathies to you during this challenging period; the memory of your loved one, who was as valuable as Michelle, will always be cherished.

Our hearts ache for the Carston family in the loss of Michelle, and no words can adequately convey the depth of our grief. We are devastated by the news of the passing of such a promising person.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this trying time; please accept our condolences. We express our heartfelt condolences to the family.

Having experienced complications early in her pregnancy, Michelle was advised to rest in bed for the duration of her pregnancy.

She encountered difficulty in finding healthcare professionals comfortable with treating female patients with disabilities. Nevertheless, they strictly adhered to the guidelines to ensure the well-being of their child, which involved numerous sonograms to monitor his development.

Michelle and her doctors went to great lengths to prevent autonomic dysreflexia by managing her blood pressure, but the effort was well worth it. 

Expecting their first child, a son, Michelle and her husband Peter faced a challenging pregnancy when she was in her mid-30s, fraught with complications.

Michelle had coped with several health issues in the past, including blood clots and infections, but pregnancy was the most challenging. Michelle was required to remain in bed for eight months to safeguard the health of her unborn child. 

She required regular water and blood transfusions to survive. Peter never left her side, fully aware of the commitment he was making by marrying her.

Michelle’s inability to transmit messages between her brain and spinal cord heightened the risk of life-threatening complications during labor and delivery.

 “The thought of returning home without the two of you keeps recurring in my mind,” expressed Peter.

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