Pax Jolie-Pitt: After The Separation Of His Parents 

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have three adopted children and three biological children during their marriage. Unlike their other children, only Pax Jolie-Pitt, the second adopted son of the couple, strives to stay away from the public eye.

Amidst the plethora of news, you have likely gained more insight into Maddox Jolie-Pitt, the eldest, who has previously made his mark in the film industry, as well as Shiloh, whose sense of style has sparked discussions.

Shiloh and Maddox are not the only ones who have garnered attention; Zahara, Vivienne, and Knox have also attracted significant media focus in the past.

Pax Jolie-Pitt: Following His Parents' Split

The Esteemed Advocate, Angelina Jolie

You likely don’t need an introduction to the preeminent Hollywood celebrity, Angelina Jolie. After all, she is the most renowned and celebrated actress and a prominent advocate in the industry.

Jolie ascended from humble roles in films like “Hackers” to become a globally renowned actress. She is the offspring of actor Jon Voight. Her journey to becoming an Academy Award-winning actress and a globally acknowledged advocate was lengthy and circuitous.

What Captured Angelina Jolie’s Interest in Pax Jolie-Pitt?

Pax Jolie-Pitt’s journey began in Vietnam when he was born on November 29, 2003. His birth mother abandoned him due to her struggles with drug addiction and financial issues.

Pax’s birth mother lacked the means to provide for him. Following his mother’s dire circumstances, she left him in an orphanage before being adopted by the beloved Hollywood couple, Brangelina.

Pax was left on the doorstep of the Tam Binh Center in the quaint town of Thuy Bieu, as recounted by Jolie. It was there that the couple, Brangelina, first encountered Pax Jolie-Pitt when he was merely three years old.

Pax Jolie-Pitt undeniably captured their hearts from the outset, as Angelina Jolie visited the orphanage where she spent her early years with her then-partner, Brad Pitt.

Both Jolie and Pitt developed a deep affection for the young child in 2006 and formally adopted him in 2007.

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt met his brother Maddox Jolie-Pitt and sister Zahara Jolie-Pitt for the first time, both of whom had been adopted when he was barely three years old. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, born in Namibia in 2006, became a younger sibling to him. Subsequently, Knox and Vivienne were born.

The poignant narrative was recounted by Jolie herself, who also revealed that the name “Pax,” meaning “peaceful” sky, was chosen by the child’s biological mother. PhamThu Dung was his original name.

How Did Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Adopt Pax?

According to reports at the time, Angelina Jolie adopted Pax Jolie-Pitt independently, as Vietnam did not permit unmarried couples to adopt children, and Brad Pitt adopted him a year later in the United States.

Pax Jolie-Pitt: Following His Parents' Split

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt Initially Faced Rejection from Brad Pitt

Pitt’s initial reluctance to accept Pax nearly led to the end of his relationship with Jolie, as per Weekly. Brad Pitt, however, had a justifiable rationale for not wanting to add another child to their burgeoning family.

According to a source cited by the magazine, Pitt was apprehensive about Pax’s adoption occurring so soon after Shiloh’s birth. Additionally, Pax was three years old at the time of his adoption, and he did not comprehend or speak English.

Despite Brad Pitt’s resistance, Jolie proceeded with Pax’s adoption regardless. She also informed Pitt that Pax needed her more than Shiloh did, reportedly infuriating the Once Upon A Time in Hollywood star.

Brad Pitt’s Peculiar Bond with His Children

Following 12 years together and numerous headlines, the former powerhouse couple of the film industry, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, divorced in 2016.

The grounds for their separation were cited as “irreconcilable differences,” a claim made in the legal divorce documents by the Maleficent star, Angelina Jolie. Allegedly, the split was prompted by Brad Pitt losing his composure on a flight and clashing with their son Maddox.

While Pitt has a tumultuous relationship with his eldest child, Maddox, the duo reportedly had a falling out four years ago, as indicated by reliable sources. Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt following their altercation on the plane.

Maddox, according to the Insider, is fiercely protective of his mother and somewhat headstrong. Shiloh, the youngest of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s six children, is the most willing to reconcile with her father.

Throughout his parents’ protracted custody battle, Maddox appeared to favor Angelina Jolie in his responses, as per Us Weekly. Maddox Jolie-Pitt does not use Pitt as his surname officially.

“He doesn’t use Pitt as his last name on non-legal documents and instead uses Jolie. Maddox wants to legally change his last name to Jolie, a request that Angelina has stated she does not support,” as reported by the Insider.

Post His Parents’ Separation

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt’s parents were not married for most of his life, but they did tie the knot on August 23, 2014. Unfortunately, just two years later, the couple parted ways, and Jolie terminated the relationship, filing for divorce in September 2016.

Initially, Angelina Jolie sought physical custody of their children, including Pax, but they subsequently reached a custody arrangement that was mutually acceptable.

On November 30, 2018, it was kept “confidential to protect the best interests of the children,” according to Angelina’s attorney Samantha Bley DeJean.

Pax’s Metamorphosis

Today, Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt has blossomed, perhaps thanks to the onset of puberty. Pax Jolie-Pitt has accompanied his mother, Jolie, to numerous red carpet events, sparking curiosity about his transformation.

The most reticent member of the Jolie-Pitt family, high school student Pax Jolie-Pitt, is seldom seen alongside his distinguished family in public.

Furthermore, Pax Jolie-Pitt is honing his Vietnamese language skills to reconnect with the language he spoke before being adopted. His estimated net worth is $1.5 million.

The ability to witness the children evolve into unique individuals as they mature is likely a positive aspect. Angelina Jolie views her children as her most fervent supporters.

However, Jolie admits that she does not praise herself for their upbringing, as she is aware of her imperfections as a mother and can be “quite demanding.” She also acknowledges that her children provide her with strength.

“My children have done many, many loving things. My children’s kindness has been very healing to me,” she expressed.

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