Sam Shelton Made Ashley Reeves Lose Faith In Humanity

[Updated on 27, May 2022] The connection between Ashley Reeves and Sam Shelton is not an ordinary one. Discover in the article the reasons behind Ashley’s remorse about their relationship.

According to the Lifetime real story ‘Left For Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story’, Ashley Reeves seemed to have everything: excellent academic performance, skill in basketball, a loving family, a boyfriend, and numerous friends.

It’s puzzling why someone like Ashley would put herself in a vulnerable position to be captivated by a teacher determined to ruin her. 

The Lifetime film attempts to unravel this conundrum, but the answer remains elusive. As depicted in the movie, Ashley has an exclusive relationship with her boyfriend Danny, who presents her with a promise ring when she is just 17. 

However, this gesture backfires, as Ashley apparently feels overwhelmed by the prospect of such a hasty commitment.

This dilemma, whether to uphold her promise to her boyfriend or keep her options open, not just regarding relationships but also life in general, leads Ashley to place her trust in teacher Sam Shelton. 

‘Left For Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story’ contains all the elements that fans of other Lifetime true-crime tales will appreciate.

Who was Sam Shelton?

Aside from being Ashley’s teacher when she was in the seventh grade, Sam Shelton was also a gym coach and a professional wrestler. Their paths crossed again in February 2006, two months before she disappeared.

Sam Shelton Made Ashley Reeves Lose Faith In Humanity

In the movie ‘Left For Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story’, we witness Sam’s attempts to captivate young Ashley. 

We later see Sam using his standard line, which he employs with other young girls in the film, telling them that they are special, and it works on Ashley. After all, Ashley seems to seek more emotional validation from her family and friends due to her amiable nature. 

In the film, Sam’s manipulative actions, coupled with an upset stomach, lead Ashley to visit his house, where they engage in an intimate relationship.

In the movie, Ashley, through sporadic flashbacks due to her memory loss, vividly recalls the incident and confides in Sam, who is worried about losing his job if news of their intimacy surfaces.

How Sam Shelton Assaulted Ashley Reeves?

In ‘Left For Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story’, we see Sam trying to forcibly remove Ashley from the car after it becomes clear that she believes their intimacy was a mistake. 

However, according to Sam Shelton’s statements to the police, he wanted to end the relationship, and Ashley resisted, prompting him to attempt to force her out of the car.

Sam Shelton Made Ashley Reeves Lose Faith In Humanity

The Sam Shelton Story (2022 Updated)

To remove Ashley from the car, Sam Shelton resorted to a chokehold. When she weakened, he inadvertently caught her by the neck.

In a state of confusion, he dragged Ashley into the woods, strangled her with his belt, and then with his hands.

Shelton then left Ashley lifeless in the woods, concealing her with garbage and leaves. He departed the scene and went out dancing. 

While the police initially focused their suspicions on Ashley’s long-term boyfriend, they soon realized that Sam Shelton might be behind her disappearance. 

After a twelve-hour interrogation during which Shelton changed his story multiple times, a mention of his grandmother caused him to break down and confess.

Shelton then guided investigators to Ashley’s body in Citizens Park, just 12 minutes away from her home. Ashley was found 30 hours after her assault, unconscious and severely injured but still alive. 

As Ashley gradually recovers in the film, she questions her mother, initially having no memory of the ordeal, about who did this to her. 

When her mother Michelle (Jennie Garth) reveals that it was Sam Shelton, Ashley’s immediate reaction is disbelief, as Sam is her friend. 

A friendship that turned out to be the biggest mistake of Ashley’s life, causing her severe physical and emotional trauma as she had to relearn how to talk, walk, and eat, and endured the stigma of an inappropriate connection with a teacher. 

Where is Samson Shelton Today?

Although Samson Shelton confessed, he was swiftly released on bail and placed under house arrest. 

Shortly before his trial, the police responded to a suicide attempt call from his home; he had ingested a potentially lethal mix of prescription medications and alcohol. 

When EMTs moved in to save him, he allegedly lashed out, spitting and hitting. Moreover, in the hospital, he purportedly made racial accusations and created a disturbance.

These incidents raised doubts about Samson’s mental state.

After a month of evaluations and claims by prosecutors that Samson was seeking sympathy from the public and potential jury members, he was deemed mentally fit to stand trial. 

Ultimately, in 2007, he accepted a plea deal, endorsed by Ashley’s family and the District Attorney’s Office. He was convicted of attempted first-degree murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison accordingly.

Samson faced charges of attempted battery for assaulting the responders during his suicide attempt, but these were dismissed in February 2010. When given a chance to address the court or apologize to his victim, Samson refused.

Sam Shelton’s Current Age 

As of today, at the age of 41, Sam Shelton remains incarcerated at the medium-security Hill Correctional Center in Galesburg. While he will be eligible for parole in spring 2024, his initial projected release date is April 22, 2027.

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