Sophia Rosing Parents: Paul Donald Rosing Jr & Jill Rosing

Sophia Rosing’s parents stood by her during the court hearing where she was accused of assaulting a fellow University of Kentucky student and using racist language.

On November 7, the hearing took place, during which Rosing entered a not guilty plea to multiple charges, including third-degree assault on a police officer, fourth-degree assault, and second-degree disorderly conduct. 

Rosing is barred from returning to the university residence where the alleged incident occurred, contacting the alleged victim, or consuming alcohol if released. 

Sophia Rosing Parents: Paul Donald Rosing Jr & Jill Rosing

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Her father, Paul Donald Rosing Jr., serves as a Technology Executive at Messer Construction Co. 

It is currently unknown whether Rosing has legal representation, as she is scheduled to appear in court for arraignment in May.

Sophia Rosing’s accused actions at the University of Kentucky

As per records from the Fayette County Jail, Sophia Rosing was charged with disorderly conduct, assault, assault on a police officer, and public intoxication. 

She pleaded not guilty to all charges and was released from detention after her parents posted the $10,000 bond. 

Due to her racist behavior, Rosing lost her College Fashionista membership and partnership with Dillard’s department store, and many people are urging the university to expel her. 

If found guilty of assault, Rosing could face imprisonment for one to five years. 

Via her Instagram stories, Rosing requested people not to judge her, stating that she was under the influence and expressing that she was not a racist, while also mentioning that she had lost everything and now fears for her life. 

Sophia Rosing pleads not guilty to anti-Black assault charges

Despite overwhelming video and circumstantial evidence supporting charges of leading a racist and violent attack against a Black student on campus, former University of Kentucky student Sophia Rosing pleaded not guilty. Her parents have been present in court during her legal proceedings. 

They endeavored to repudiate her actions in court, exhibiting a prime example of white privilege. 

In April, Rosing, 22, was criminally indicted by a grand jury for multiple charges, including assault and disorderly conduct. 

At her recent court appearance, Rosing displayed minimal emotion, which is consistent with her character.

Rosing’s parents have shown solidarity with their daughter after she pleaded not guilty to charges of anti-Black assault.

Evidence against Sophia in racial abuse case

A video captured University of Kentucky student Sophia Nicole Rosing using racial slurs and assaulting fellow student employee Kylah Spring at the front desk of Boyd Hall dormitory.

Sophia Rosing Parents: Paul Donald Rosing Jr & Jill Rosing

Evidence against Sophia in racial abuse case

The incident reportedly involved Rosing using derogatory comments about Spring’s race and appearance and using the n-word over 200 times. 

Rosing also purportedly assaulted the police officer who arrested her. 

Spring explained that Rosing was intoxicated and continued attempting to bite and kick the police officer during her arrest. 

In the early morning of November 6th, Kylah, a University of Kentucky student, was working at a dormitory when she confronted Sophia Rosing, who seemed intoxicated and failed to present her ID to enter an elevator. 

Spring garnered support from the University of Kentucky community, including during a campus vigil in November, where she delivered a speech expressing her resilience. 

An advocacy campaign on her behalf raised almost $18,000, exceeding its original goal of $10,000.

Rosing left the university before facing any disciplinary action. 

The court ordered her not to have contact with Spring or the dormitory and prohibited her from consuming alcohol. 

Spring, who handled the situation with grace and composure, received praise for her response to the attack. 

She expressed that she was not surprised by Rosing’s lack of apology and desired to deal with the situation appropriately to retain her job. 

The situation could have easily turned against her if she had retaliated.

Kentucky University President praises student worker’s Restraint

Kentucky University President Eli Capilouto released an official statement online regarding the incident, condemning racism and commending Spring for her handling of the alleged attack. 

Capilouto emphasized that one of the victims was a student employee who acted with professionalism, restraint, and discretion during the incident. 

He underscored that the university community’s safety and well-being were of utmost importance and that they would not tolerate such behavior under any circumstances.

Where is Sophia Rosing now? What is next for her?

Rosing’s mother, Jill Rosing, initiated an online petition to request a second chance for her daughter at the University of Kentucky. 

Jill asserted that Sophia was contrite for her actions and urged people to sign the petition. She also attempted to downplay Sophia’s use of the N-word during the incident. 

In the petition, she mentioned that Sophia needs support to move forward with her life and questioned whether one word could ruin her daughter’s future. 

The petition had garnered 400 signatures out of its goal of 500 as of March 2023. Sophia is expected to appear in court in May.

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