Travis Wall Scandal After Being Suspended From Break The Floor

The Break the Floor organization is taking appropriate steps to investigate the accusation of improper conduct made against its Emmy-winning choreographer, Travis Wall. 

This action comes after a recent news article published by the Toronto Star alleging him of engaging in s*xually inappropriate behavior. 

Recognizing the gravity of these allegations, Break the Floor will enlist a third party to examine these claims and ensure that any misconduct within their organization is addressed properly. 

Break the Floor is dedicated to establishing a safe and supportive atmosphere for all dancers and staff, guaranteeing that every employee can work in a culture free from harassment or discrimination.

Break the Floor has released a statement stating their decision to suspend Travis from traveling with the company until a third-party investigation is conducted into recent allegations of s*xual harassment and inappropriate behavior. 

It is evident that they are taking these claims seriously and will take further action if necessary. 

According to the Toronto Star’s report on Thursday, several former students and staff have accused Break the Floor employees of initiating s*xual conversations, sending unsolicited n*de photos, s*xually harassing them at work, and engaging in inappropriate relationships with them. 

Their commitment to providing a safe and protected environment for everyone is crucial for Break the Floor.

Myles Lavallee alleges that former dance instructor Ian Wall began grooming him when Lavallee was 16 and Wall was around 20.

It is alleged that Wall began making s*xual advances when the two were staying at Lavallee’s parent’s house in Arizona for a nearby teaching course. 

According to the Star, Wall gave Lavallee ecstasy during their stay, after which they proceeded to give each other hand massages. Sensing danger, Lavallee invited a friend over. 

Shortly after the visit, Wall abruptly ceased communication with him, possibly to avoid potential s*xual engagement with Wall.

The dance community, in particular, has been forced to address uncomfortable questions recently, and the controversy surrounding Ryan Wall is undoubtedly the latest example. 

Indeed, there have been accusations made against him that he vehemently denies. Unfortunately, neither Wall nor Break the Floor have provided immediate responses to TheWrap’s request for comment as of Saturday. 

While Wall informed a separate outlet through his publicist that his accusers are incorrect with their claims, it seems that such an assertion was insufficient to prevent him from being removed from Break the Floor’s tour in light of these accusations. 

With the company clearly emphasizing its dedication to maintaining a secure working environment via its statement on Instagram Thursday, we can infer that this decision had been carefully considered beforehand.

Break The Floor has long been dedicated to providing its staff and students with a secure, safe environment. 

While we have re-evaluated our existing policies and procedures in the past, the last 18 months have seen significant progress for BTR. 

Through Youth Protection Advocates in Dance training, we successfully implemented revised faculty codes of conduct with Wade Robson’s assistance and updated company policies and procedures entirely focused on safety. 

We take this matter seriously and are enthusiastic about instigating positive changes within the dance industry as a result of our hard work.

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