Yuben Moodley – Deputy Director of the Institute of Respiratory Health

Dr. Yuben Moodley is a doctor, researcher, and assistant professor of respiratory medicine. He is committed to delivering top-quality patient care, conducting cellular and molecular research, and teaching.

He leads the Stem Cell Team at the Lung Institute of Western Australia, serves as a Specialist Respiratory Doctor at Fiona Stanley Hospital, and serves as Vice President of the Center for Respiratory Health.

Dr. Moodley’s areas of expertise include bronchial asthma, pulmonary cancer, respiratory ailments, pulmonary tumors, and sleep disorders. He is particularly focused on studying indicators in exhaled breath to diagnose and monitor lung conditions such as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. His innovative cell therapies for these diseases use cells derived from the placenta and have yielded notable outcomes.

Dr. Yuben Moodley obtained his doctorate at the University of Western Australia. His research was financed by the National Health and Medical Research Council. He is also vice president at the Center for Respiratory Health, which is part of the Excellence Center for Pulmonary Fibrosis Research, and the chief editor of the Respirology journal.

Dr. Moodley advocates for Amnesty International and delights in sports, playing the alto saxophone, spending time with family, and writing poetry when he is not occupied with work.

Tell us about yourself?

I am a doctor and researcher working as a Respiratory Doctor (50%) and researcher (50%) in Western Australia. My main research interests involve examining molecular mechanisms that cause chronic lung disease. My team aims to identify pathways that cause chronic lung disease, with the aim of developing new drugs to prevent these conditions.

What sets you apart from other professionals in your field?

I don’t really differ from my peers. As a doctor and researcher, we all share similar goals and aspirations.

What was the most significant part of your professional journey?

Developing resilience. When you are exhausted and unable to summon the energy to see the next patient who genuinely needs your help, or when your laboratory produces negative results, or when research funding is scarce. Learning to pick yourself up and face the next challenge is a major part of my professional journey.

What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?

Best purchase: Selmer Alto saxophone – it has brought me a lot of joy over the years.

Worst purchase: Clothing that I never use.

What takes up too much of your time?

Unnecessary paperwork. Completing forms that have no real impact.

What three pieces of advice would you give to college students who want to become leaders in their field?

  • Work as diligently as possible.
  • Remain resolute in adversity.
  • Forge your own path.

Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?

Nelson Mandela. He almost single-handedly demonstrated how to forgive major transgressions against him and millions of people.

What motivates you to keep going when it’s really tough?

Knowing that I am striving to improve the lives of others.

How should people connect with you?

[email protected]

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  1. Guest

    As the Deputy Director of the Institute of Respiratory Health, I find this text to be informative and well-written. It highlights the importance of respiratory health and the impact of air pollution on our lungs. The author effectively explains the various pollutants and their sources, making it easy for readers to understand the potential risks they pose. Additionally, the text emphasizes the need for government intervention and individual actions to mitigate air pollution and protect our respiratory health. Overall, this is a valuable piece of information that raises awareness about respiratory health and provides practical solutions to address the issue.
